Netarhat Vidyalaya in Its Diamond Jubilee Year 2014: Current Realities – Review, Update and Adjust: the Way Forward

Painting of Netarhat Vidyalaya

 Greetings to all my friends of Netarhat Old Boys Association (NOBA) all over the globe and members of Netarhat Vidyalaya family – past and present – as also all those who have endorsed and supported 'the Netarhat Philosophy' on this historic occasion when this institution is completing 60 years of its glorious run on 15th November, 2014.

60 years for an educational institution is reasonably good enough a period to reflect and make an appraisal of its impact in its entire entirety vis-a-vis the visions its founding fathers had. This precisely explains why I have chosen the title for discussion of the topic the way it is.

The theme proposed to be presented is, however, in a way, a sequel to a presentation of a topic titled: "60 years of Netarhat Vidyalaya" by Shri Vijoy Prakash, IAS, an ex-student in the Delhi NOBA JN Dar Memorial Lecture on 2nd August, 2014 at India International Centre, New Delhi. It is, therefore, proposed to pick up the thread from where Shri Prakash had left. The factor, however, common to earlier presentation and the one here is that both are dedicated to school's Diamond Jubilee (DJ) Year celebration events.

The latter, however, is proposed to be presented by another ex-student, Shri Narendra Bhagat (that's me) on 14th November, 2014 at the school premises in the midst of the grand finale of school's DJ celebrations.

On that occasion, however, it is proposed to dissect the main issues (say, current state of Infrastructure facilities; Academics and Co-curricular activities; Role of Netarhat Vidyalaya Samiti vis-a-vis state HRD department; Social Responsibilities for this school; State Funding and allied issues and the like) to enable sharing of such thoughts, perception and information in a perspective that obtains today. This may perhaps lead us to make Review, then Update and finally Adjust, issue-wise, the 'Current Realities' to be able to frame our strategies for the Way Forward. An overall idea is not to leave anything to imagination or speculation while pondering over the main issues and be, instead, realistically focused on target while aiming to frame Resolutions.

In the process, however, I'm unlikely to repeat what all have been elaborately stated and shared earlier by Shri Prakash in Delhi seminar.

However, at this point in time, I simply wish to share with one and all, a 'Concept Note'- as briefly outlined above on the topic suggested here. The idea is to throw up the issues that are believed to be constantly engaging the mind, perception and thought process of the NOBs in general. An attempt shall also be made on the said occasion to put them in a perspective that's rather a dispassionate one.

In the meanwhile, in the period intervening now on till 14th November, 2014, I may suggest and request to all those keen on being very much a part of this event, to please keep their thinking caps on and be active participants on the day when this topic is taken up. A format for it that I'm inclined to suggest is to allow this topic to proceed in a manner that's generally followed in a 'Workshop'.

Accordingly, after a brief presentation of the topic the 'Issues' that may emerge after general discussion, may get segregated first, then be assigned to different working groups. The 'Working Groups' (may be 4 or 5 or more depending on the main issues framed) may comprise of the serving teachers, ex-teachers and NOBs (may also include a few senior students of this school). Each Working Group may be assigned to handle a specific issue among its members, to have threadbare discussion on an issue given to it and then come up with 'Group's Recommendations' as sort of finished products of a workshop for presentation before the full House. Towards the end of the session, such recommendations may get compiled to be finally submitted to Netarhat Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS) for adoption and implementation.

For the said 'Workshop' it is proposed to have it at the school campus on 14th November, 2014: 9.00am – 1.30pm.

The proposed program is as follows:

  • 9.00am to 11.00am. – PP presentation and framing of issues;
  • 11.00am11.30am – Tea / Coffee break and forming of 'Working Groups';
  • 11.30am12.30pm –'Brain Storming Session' – Each 'Working Group' to handle separately an issue / topic assigned to it and to end up with framing of its 'Recommendations' ;
  • 12.30pm1.30pm – 'Presentation of Reports' – Each Working Group to make presentation of its Report by its team leader before full House and discussion thereon;
  • 1.30pm'Submission of Reports' – Working Groups' Recommendations, as adopted by the House, to be submitted to NVS ;
  • 1.40pm – Close of session and Lunch break

Before closing this 'Concept Note", however, I would sincerely request for any suggestions, amendments etc. for inclusion thereof to be able to firm up at my end the proposed agenda. That may also help me in giving a final shape to the key points and the background paper that may form part of my presentation on the Annual Day at Netarhat.

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